The Badges

Kids and Rocks. Pride and Joy... Image credit: Ronna Watkins

(See  more about this image below)

The Badge Program is one of many American Federation of Mineralogical Society (AFMS) Future Roundhounds of America (FRA) programs designed for club to use in working with youth.  The program is designed to reward youth with a series of badges, patches, and a completion pin. For each badge, there are easy to use activity guides. 

This program is only available to clubs or societies affiliated with the AFMS and FRA. The program is free to AFMS affiliated clubs including the patches, badges, pins, and downloadable material. 


Click underlined individual badge pages for the FRA Badge Manual requirements and background information, as well as supplementary activity sheets and sample meeting/class outlines contributed by current FRA Juniors leaders.  Check every now and then as more are added - There are LOTS of good ideas out there!

How do other leaders do this?  Click here...

You can plan your badge sessions any way you want as long as at least three requirements are completed according to the tasks stipulated. 

Supplemental worksheets and packets designed by leaders from across the county are available for many badges. These help take some of the guess work out of planning meetings, completing activities, keeping records, and even ideas for awarding and displaying badges.  

If you would like to see how some other leaders are doing it, feel free to check out the optional supplemental materials offered on some of the individual badge webpages. Understand that those leaders chose the requirements that best fit their group, and their materials only address the requirements they chose. You may prefer to use different requirements from the Badge Manual for your group and proceed as you like.

About the image on this page

Fossils, rocks and minerals are clearly fascinating to this Junior. His club gives him opportunity to learn, share his knowledge, and take pride in the badges he earns. 

Image Credit: Ronna Watkins