Field Trips
Field Trip Badge, Image Credit: AFMS
(See below for more about this image)
The ultimate hands-on activity is a field trip! Little can replace the thrill of discovering your own gemstone or fossil. Also, a lapidary project has a lot more personal value and meaning if you collected the rough material yourself. Before you grab your pack and head off, you need to know field trip etiquette, safety, and the AFMS Code of Ethics. The following activities will help you gather together the proper equipment and get the most out of your field trip adventure.

The Field Trip Badge can be done as a group, or by Juniors on their own with their families.
When rockhounding season comes near, provide your Juniors' families with what they need to take their young rockhound out where the rocks live!
Although there are several other options offered, there are two mandatory requirements for this badge.
<--Click on upper right to open the manual page and see the Requirement options & Activities offered.
Once opened, you will see the option to print or download this section on your screen.
The materials below illustrate how some leaders taught this badge, using 3-4 requirements they chose for their groups. See the Badge manual for other requirement activities you may like better.
Click on a red PDF icon if you want to check it out.
Optional Worksheet Packets covering the Honor Code for Juniors plus other requirements and Optional "Field Notebooks" (print 2-sided, flip on short side). Use if helpful in your FRA Club.
About the image on this page
Different field trip locations will require different tools, supplies, and safety equipment necessary for collecting. A good starting point is a hand lens and field notebook. In addition to proper clothing, water, and a backpack for your finds; you should always have a way to signal for help if you get separated from your group. It is a great idea to travel with a buddy.
Image Credit: AFMS