Reaching Across Generations
Ammonite cluster from western Montana, Image Credit: Sherri Lierman
(See more about this image below)
Reaching Across Generations is about making new friends and sharing a common love of rocks, minerals, fossils, or the lapidary arts with senior members of your club or community.
Striking up a friendship with an older club member may seem daunting, even for adults, but you will be amazed at how easy it is! Many have a wealth of information just waiting to be shared.
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About the image on this page
Ammonites are of group of extinct animals closely related to living squid and cuttlefish. The earliest ammonites appeared during the Devonian period and vanished at he end of Cretaceous period. Ammonites are excellent index fossils, linking the rock layer in which a particular species or genus is found to specific geologic time periods.
This Ammonite cluster was donated by an senior club member to a junior working on an Eagle Scout project. It came with a life time of knowledge and became the start of a friendship between two club members a generation apart.
Image Credit: Sherri Lierman