Youth Programs
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS)
Pyrite FeS(2) with Quartz Crystals SiO(2) and Sphalerite (Zn,Fe)S, Image Credit: Lora Hall
(See more about this image below)
Welcome to the many AFMS Youth Programs,
all under the umbrella of Future Rockhounds of America (FRA)!
So is it juniors, youth, kids, pebble pups, teens, young adults, junior geologists, mini miners, or future rockhounds? The answer is YES! Every rock club and mineral society have their own name for earth scientists, geologists, paleontologists, and lapidary artists under the age of 18. What we call our younger members isn't important. What is important is that we HAVE younger members. They are our future hobbyists, professionals, and scientists.
There are a wide variety of youth and juniors programs used by clubs throughout the federation. In working with kids in your club, you can use your own activities, a set of activities like the great packets developed by Diamond Dan, or simply have your kids participate in the regular workshops, shows, and field trips. Some clubs partner with professional societies or other youth organizations like 4-H or Scouts. ALL of these fit into the Future Rockhounds of America!
Our goal is to helps clubs develop youth programs that fit their needs. If a club already has a juniors program that works for them, then our goal is to support that program anyway we can.
You will frequently see the warning, Website Under Construction , but it takes on new meaning for this website. This site will always be under construction as it grows, shifts, morphs, and adapts to the needs of our juniors and youth leaders. It is a place to come for current news and events from across the AFMS. So when we say, Check Back Frequently, it is a good idea to do just that!
About the image on this page
Some of the most collectible specimens are those that combine one or more minerals. Pyrite, Quartz, and Sphalerite often grow in association. Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is the most abundant sulfide mineral and Sphalerite is the primary ore of Zinc. Combine them with Quartz, the second most common mineral in earths continental crust, and you end up with a one of a kind specimen.
Image Credit: Lora Hall